2025年1月6日 星期一
彭勃 研究员


学历: 博士研究生
邮编: 100101
邮箱: pb@bao.ac.cn
地址: 北京市朝阳区大屯路甲20号



1. 彭勃,柴晓明,秦波、杜彪,金乘进,伍洋等, SKA建设准备阶段关键问题研究,中国科学,2017,47,129501

2. Peng B., Chen R.R. and Strom R.G., Giant radio galaxies as probes of ambient WHIM in the ear of the SKA. PoS, 2015,109

3. Peng B., Jin C.J., Wang Q.M., Zhu L.C., Zhu W.B., Zhang H.Y.and Nan R.D., Preparatory study for constructing FAST, the world's largest single dish, Proc. of IEEE, 2009,97(8), 1391

4. Peng B., Li J.B., Piao T.Y., Sun J.M.and Strom R.G., Radio spectrum monitoring campaign at proposed SKA sites in China, PASP, 2008, 120,868

5. Peng B., Strom R.G., Wei J.Y. and Zhao Y.H., Galaxies around the giant double radio source DA240: Redshifts and the discovery of an unusual association, A&A, 2004,415, 487

6. Peng B.and Nan R.D., Modeling FAST, the world's largest single dish, Radio Science Bulletin, 2002, 300

7. Peng B., Nan R.D., Su Y., Qiu Y.H., Zhu L.C. and Zhu W.B., Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope project, Ap&SS, 2001, 278 (1), 219

8. Peng B., Kraus A., Krichbaum T.P., Muller S.A.H., Qian S.J., Quirrenbach A., Wagner S.J., Witzel A., Zensus J.A., Jin C.J. and Bock H., Infrared, radio and optical variability of the BL Lacertae object 2007+777, A&A, 2000,353, 937

9. Peng B., Strom R.G., Nan R.D., Ma E., Ping J.S., Zhu L.C.and Zhu W.B., Science with FAST, Perspectives on Radio Astronomy: Science with Large Antenna Arrays, eds M. P. van Haarlem. 2000, 25

10. Peng B.and Nan R.D., Kilometer-square area radio synthesis telescope KARST project, IAUS.179, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998, 93
