1. Chichuan Jin, Chris Done, Martin Ward, Francesca Panessa, Bo Liu, Heyang Liu, Multiwavelength campaign on the Super-Eddington NLS1 RX J0134.2-4258 - I. Peculiar X-ray spectra and variability, 2022, MNRAS, 512, 5642
2. Chichuan Jin, Long-term Evolution of the Short-term X-ray Variability of the Jetted TDE Swift J1644+57, 2021b, ApJ, 920, 60
3. Chichuan Jin, Chris Done, Martin Ward, Re-observing the NLS1 Galaxy RE J1034+396. II. New Insights on the Soft X-ray Excess, QPO and the Analogy with GRS 1915+105, 2021a, MNRAS, 500, 2475
4. Chichuan Jin, Chris Done, Martin Ward, Re-observing the NLS1 Galaxy RE J1034+396. I. the Long-term, Recurrent X-ray QPO with a High Significance, 2020, MNRAS, 495, 3538
5. Chichuan Jin, Gabriele Ponti, Guangxing Li, David Bogensberger, Exploring the Interstellar Medium Using an Asymmetric X-Ray Dust Scattering Halo, 2019, ApJ, 875, 157
6. Chichuan Jin, Gabriele Ponti, Frank Haberl, Randall Smith, Lynne Valencic, Effects of interstellar dust scattering on the X-ray eclipses of the LMXB AX J1745.6-2901 in the Galactic Centre, 2018, MNRAS, 477, 3480
7. Chichuan Jin, Gabriele Ponti, Frank Haberl, Randall Smith, Probing the interstellar dust towards the Galactic Centre: dust-scattering halo around AX J1745.6-2901, 2017c, MNRAS, 468, 2532
8. Chichuan Jin, Chris Done, Martin Ward, Emma Gardner, Super-Eddington QSO RX J0439.6-5311 - II. Multiwavelength constraints on the global structure of the accretion flow, 2017b, MNRAS, 471, 706
9. Chichuan Jin, Chris Done, Mathew Middleton, Martin Ward, A long XMM-Newton observation of an extreme narrow-line Seyfert 1: PG 1244+026, 2013, MNRAS, 436, 3173
10. Chichuan Jin, Martin Ward, Chris Done, A combined optical and X-ray study of unobscured type 1 active galactic nuclei - III. Broad-band SED properties, 2012c, MNRAS, 425, 907