2025年3月14日 星期五
论文题目 作者 发表年度 刊物名称
Unveiling δ Scuti and γ Doradus hybrid pulsation of HD 53166 and HD 53349 plus rich frequencies in HD 52788 Zhou, AY 2024 NEW ASTRONOMY
The Molecular Clouds in a Section of the Third Galactic Quadrant: Observational Properties and Chemical Abundance Ratio between CO and its Isotopologues Wang, C; Feng, HR; Yang, J; Chen, XP; Su, Y; Yan, QZ; Du, FJ; Ma, YH; Cai, JJ 2023 ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL
A global view on star formation: The GLOSTAR Galactic plane survey IX. Radio Source Catalog III: 2° < l < 28°, 36° < l < 40°, 56° < l < 60° and |b| < 1°, VLA B-configuration Yang, AY; Dzib, SA; Urquhart, JS; Brunthaler, A; Medina, SNX; Menten, KM; Wyrowski, F; Ortiz-León, GN; Cotton, WD; et al. 2023 ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS
A spectroscopic modelling method for the detached eclipsing binaries to derive atmospheric parameters Chen, XL; Luo, AL; Chen, JJ; Wang, R; Zhang, XB; Hou, W; Qiu, B; Zuo, F 2023 ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS
Atmospheric composition of WASP-85Ab with ESPRESSO/VLT observations Jiang, Z; Wang, W; Chen, G; Yan, F; Cegla, HM; Rojo, P; Shi, YQ; Ouyang, QL; Zhai, M; Liu, YJ; Zhao, F; Chen, YQ 2023 ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS
Discovering strongly lensed quasar candidates with catalogue-based methods from DESI Legacy Surveys He, ZZ; Li, N; Cao, XY; Li, R; Zou, H; Dye, S 2023 ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS
Evolved massive stars at low-metallicity V. Mass-loss rate of red supergiant stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud Yang, M; Bonanos, AZ; Jiang, BW; Zapartas, E; Gao, J; Ren, Y; Lam, MI; Wang, TD; Maravelias, G; Gavras, P; Wang, S; Chen, XD; et al. 2023 ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS
Extended atomic data for oxygen abundance analyses Li, W; Jönsson, P; Amarsi, AM; Li, MC; Grumer, J 2023 ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS
Observations of pores and surrounding regions with CO 4.66 μm lines by BBSO/CYRA Song, YL; Bai, XY; Yang, X; Cao, WD; Uitenbroek, H; Deng, YY; Li, X; Yang, X; Zhang, M 2023 ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS
Machine learning-based seeing estimation and prediction using multi-layer meteorological data at Dome A, Antarctica Hou, X; Hu, Y; Du, F; Ashley, MCB; Pei, C; Shang, Z; Ma, B; Wang, E; Huang, K 2023 ASTRONOMY AND COMPUTING
Distribution of Fast Radio Burst Dispersion Measures in CHIME/FRB Catalog 1: Implications on the Origin of FRBs Zhang, JW; Zhang, CM; Li, D; Yang, WM; Cui, XH; Ye, CQ; Wang, DH; Yang, YY; Bi, SL; Zhang, XF 2023 ASTRONOMY REPORTS
A Diverse Population of z ∼ 2 ULIRGs Revealed by JWST Imaging Huang, JS; Li, ZJ; Cheng, C; Hou, MC; Yan, HJ; Willner, SP; Dai, YS; Zheng, XZ; Pan, J; Rigopoulou, D; Wang, T; Li, ZY; Liang, PR; et al. 2023 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL
A High-mass, Young Star-forming Core Escaping from Its Parental Filament Ren, ZY; Chen, X; Liu, T; Mannfors, E; Bronfman, L; Xu, FW; Feng, SY; Liu, HL; Meng, FY; Stutz, AM; Li, SH; Lee, CW; Wang, K; Zhou, JW; et al. 2023 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL
Asteroseismology Sheds Light on the Origin of Carbon-deficient Red Giants: Likely Merger Products and Linked to the Li-rich Giants Maben, S; Campbell, SW; Kumar, YB; Reddy, BE; Zhao, G 2023 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL
CAHA/PPAK Integral-field Spectroscopic Observations of M81. II. Testing Photoionization Models in a Spatially Resolved LINER Li, ZN; Li, ZY; García-Benito, R; Jin, YF 2023 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL
Deep HI Mapping of Stephan's Quintet and Its Neighborhood Cheng, C; Xu, CK; Appleton, PN; Duc, PA; Tang, NY; Dai, YS; Huang, JS; Lisenfeld, U; Renaud, F; He, C; Feng, HC 2023 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL
Detection and Seismic Study of Gravity and Rossby Mode Pulsations in Four Contact Binaries Zhang, XB; Chen, XH; Fu, JN; Li, Y 2023 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL
Detection of Multiple Phase Space Overdensities of GSE Stars by Orbit Integration Wu, WB; Zhao, G; Chang, J; Xue, XX; Chen, YQ; Li, CD; Ye, XH; Yang, CQ 2023 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL
Discovery of a Low-redshift Hot Dust-obscured Galaxy Li, GD; Tsai, CW; Stern, D; Wu, JW; Assef, RJ; Blain, AW; Díaz-Santos, T; Eisenhardt, PRM; Griffith, RL; Jarrett, TH; Jun, HD; Lake, SE; Saade, ML 2023 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL
Discovery of a New Molecular Bubble-Outflow Structure in the Taurus B18 Cloud Duan, Y; Li, D; Goldsmith, PF; Pagani, L; Ching, TC; Liu, S; Xie, JJ; Wang, C 2023 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL
Discovery of an X-Ray Photoionized Optical Nebula and a Radio Nebula Associated with the ULX NGC 4861 X-1 Gong, H; Urquhart, R; Vinokurov, A; Bai, Y; Cabrera-Lavers, A; Fabrika, S; Wang, L; Liu, JF 2023 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL
Event Rate of Strongly Lensed Gravitational Waves of Stellar Binary Black Hole Mergers Produced by Dynamical Interactions Chen, ZW 2023 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL
Exploring Asymmetric Substructures of the Outer Disk Based on the Conjugate Angle of the Radial Action Xu, Y; Liu, C; Li, Z; Tian, H; Bird, SA; Newberg, HJ; Shao, S; Deng, LC 2023 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL
FAST Observations of FRB 20220912A: Burst Properties and Polarization Characteristics Zhang, YK; Li, D; Zhang, B; Cao, S; Feng, Y; Wang, WY; Qu, YH; Niu, JR; Zhu, WW; Han, JL; Jiang, P; Lee, KJ; Li, DZ; Luo, R; Niu, CH; Tsai, CW; et al. 2023 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL
FAST Polarization Mapping of the Supernova Remnant VRO 42.05.01 Xiao, L; Zhu, M; Sun, XH; Jiang, P; Sun, C 2023 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL
Fast Radio Bursts Generated by Coherent Curvature Radiation from Compressed Bunches for FRB 20190520B Cui, XH; Wang, ZW; Zhang, CM; Niu, CH; Li, D; Zhang, JW; Wang, DH 2023 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL
FAST Reveals New Evidence for M94 as a Merger Zhou, RL; Zhu, M; Yang, YB; Yu, HY; Yuan, LX; Jiang, P; Xi, WZ 2023 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL
Fuzzy Dark Matter as a Solution to Reconcile the Stellar Mass Density of High-z Massive Galaxies and Reionization History Gong, Y; Yue, B; Cao, Y; Chen, XL 2023 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL
Heating of Quiescent Coronal Loops Caused by Nearby Eruptions Observed with the Solar Dynamics Observatory and the Solar Upper Transition Region Imager Li, LP; Tian, H; Chen, HD; Song, HQ; Hou, ZY; Bai, XY; Ji, KF; Deng, YY 2023 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL
High-altitude Magnetospheric Emissions from Two Pulsars Yuan, M; Zhu, WW; Kramer, M; Peng, B; Lu, JG; Xu, RX; Shao, LJ; Wang, HG; Meng, LQ; Niu, JR; Zhao, RS; Miao, CC; Miao, XL; Xue, MY; Feng, Y; et al. 2023 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL