国台学术报告2023年 第25次
NAOC Colloquium No.25 2023
报告题目/Title: | The search for pulsars and transients at Large Phased Array / 用大相位阵开展脉冲星和暂现源搜寻 |
报告人/Speaker: | Prof. Sergey A. Tyulbashev (Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory of Lebedev Physics Institute, Russia ) |
报告时间/Time: | Wednesday, 2:30 PM, Nov. 1, 2023 |
报告地点/Location: | NAOC A601 & Live Streaming on NAOC WeChat Channel |
主持人/Host: | Prof. Pengfei Wang / 王鹏飞 (NAOC) |
报告语言/Language: | English/英文 |
报告海报/Poster: | |
演示幻灯片/Slides: | Click to view the details (later) |
报告视频/Video: | Click to watch the video (later) |
直播链接/Live Webcast: | 国台微信公众号视频号 (微信扫描如下二维码) |
报告摘要/Abstract: | |
The search for pulsars and different transients (rotating radio transients — RRAT, fast radio burst — FRB) will be discussed. The observations have based on a monitoring and regular survey on declinations −9 ◦< δ<+87◦ which carried out with the Large Phased Array of the Lebedev Physical Institute (LPA LPI). LPA is a transit telescope operating at 111 MHz with a bandwidth of 2.5 MHz. During the 8 years of the search, they have detected approximately 400 pulsars and transients, of which 81 are new pulsars and 79 are new RRATs. He also found a strong FRB. In the report, he will discuss the search methods, as well as the study of the sources found. | |
报告人介绍/Bio: | |
Prof. Sergey A. Tyulbashev is currently the chief scientist of plasma astrophysics department of Lebedev Physics Institute and the director of Pushchino observatory. The title of his PhD thesis is "Investigation active galactic nuclei by interplanetary scintillation method at 102.5 MHz" (in 1997). The title of his doctor physics and mathematics thesis is "Properties of compact radio sources from observations in the meter wavelength range" (in 2014). He started the search for pulsars and transients (RRATs and FRB) in 2015. He is an expert in AGN observations by IPS method, Space Weather technology from IPS observations, pulsar and transient searching at low frequencies. | |
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