2025年3月14日 星期五

[Colloquium]Houjun Mo:Reconstructing and stacking: a systematic way to probe the ecosystem of galaxies

国台学术报告2023第16次/NAOC Colloquium No.16 2023
报告题目/Title Reconstructing and stacking: a systematic way to probe the ecosystem of galaxies /关于星系生态系统的系统性研究
报告人/Speaker Prof. Houjun Mo (University of Massachusetts)
报告时间/Time Wednesday 2:30 PM, July 26, 2023
报告地点/Location NAOC A601 & Live Streaming on NAOC WeChat Channel
主持人/Host Prof. Gongbo Zhao (NAOC)
报告语言/Language: English/英文
报告海报/Poster Click to get the poster
演示幻灯片/Slides Click to view the details (later)
报告视频/Video Click to watch the video (later) 
直播链接/Live Webcast: 国台微信公众号视频号(微信扫描如下二维码)
He will describe methods to reconstruct the cosmic web and its formation history, and how it can be used to define targets to explore different components of the galaxy ecosystem. 
Houjun Mo is professor of astronomy at University of Massachusetts. His research has been focused on galaxy formation, large-scale structure of the universe, and cosmology. He has coauthored a textbook on `Galaxy formation and evolution' which was published by Cambridge University Press. Houjun obtained his Ph.D degree in Astrophysics at Munich University. He was a tenured scientific staff at the Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics before he joined his current position at UMass in 2003. More personal info on http://people.umass.edu/~hjmo/ 