2025年3月14日 星期五


国台学术报告20221/NAOC Colloquium No.1 2022
报告题目/Title Spectroscopic survey of LAMOST/郭守敬望远镜的光谱巡天观测
报告人/Speaker Prof. Yongheng Zhao (NAOC)
报告时间/Time Wednesday 2:30 PM, Mar. 30, 2022
报告地点/Location A601, NAOC & Live Streaming
主持人/Host Prof.Gang Zhao (NAOC)
报告语言/Language: Chinese
报告海报/Poster Click to get the poster
演示幻灯片/Slides Click to view the slides
报告视频/Video  (未经授权请勿转载)
直播链接/Live Webcast: [直播地址] (https://dwz.mk/RFjY7z)
LAMOST is a special reflecting Schmidt telescope as Wang-Su type Telescope. LAMOST breaks through the bottleneck of the large scale spectroscopic survey  observation with both large aperture (effective aperture of 3.6 - 4.9m) and wide field of view (5 degrees). By using the parallel controllable fiber positioning technique, the focal surface of 1.75 meters in diameter accommodates 4000 optical fibers. Also, LAMOST has 16 spectrographs with 32 CCD cameras. LAMOST is the telescope of the highest spectrum acquiring rate. The pilot survey of LAMOST was started in October 2011 for one year. The regular survey of LAMOST began in September 2012. Up to June 2020, LAMOST has obtained more than 17 million spectra of celestial objects. There are the 7.7 millionstellar parameters of stars were obtained. LAMOST yields a unique data set of more than 10 million stellar spectra and allows one to study the stellar populations, chemical composition, kinematics and structure of the disk and the halo, the gravitational potential and dark matter distribution, the interstellar dust extinction, rare objects (e.g.extremely metal-poor or hyper-velocity stars), and ultimately advance our understanding of the assemblage of the Milky Way and other galaxies and the origin of regularity and diversity of their properties.
Prof. Zhao Yongheng obtained his PhD degree from Nanjing University in 1990. Since then, he joined the National Astronomical Observatories of China (NAOC) until now. He is currently the research professor of NAOC, and also the deputy director of the Center of the operation and devolepment of the LAMOST.
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