2025年3月14日 星期五

[colloquium]Yang Chen: TRILEGAL Milky Way Stellar Mock Catalogue for CSST

国台学术报告202111/NAOC Colloquium No.11 2021
暨国家天文台组建20周年学术报告Colloquium for the 20th anniversary of NAOC
报告题目/Title TRILEGAL Milky Way Stellar Mock Catalogue for CSST
报告人/Speaker Dr. Yang Chen (Anhui University)
报告时间/Time Wednesday 2:30 PM, Aug. 25, 2021
报告地点/Location A601, NAOC & Live Streaming
主持人/Host Prof. Changqing Luo
报告语言/Language: English (英文报告)
报告海报/Poster Click to download the poster
演示幻灯片/Slides Click to download the slides
报告视频/Video Click to watch the video (未经授权请勿转载)
直播链接/Live Webcast: [光明网直播地址
Mock catalogue based on stellar population synthesis is very important for CSST scientific projects. It provides 'close-to-reality' stellar contents with known physical parameters, therefore surpasses other mock techniques. The mock catalogue can be used for testing CSST data reduction pipeline, or to provide mock data for other CSST predictive studies before the real CSST data being available. In this talk, I introduce our stellar population synthesis tool TRILEGAL based on PARSEC stellar models and present our current effort to generate the mock stellar catalogue of the Milky Way  for CSST. 
Yang Chen is from Anhui University. He mainly works on stellar evolutionary models, atmosphere models, as well as stellar population synthesis together with his PARSEC collaborators. He got his bachelor degree from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2009 and spent two years of graduate study in USTC, with research interests on high-redshift galaxies. Then, he went to International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) in 2011 and obtained his PhD degree in 2015. From 2016 to 2020, he carried out his postdoctoral research at the University of Padova. After that, he accepted the position at Anhui University.