2025年3月14日 星期五
李荫碧 副研究员
学科:  超高速星和碳星等特殊天体研究、天文数据挖掘与处理、天文大数据、机器学习、多波段天文学
学历: 博士研究生
邮编: 100101
邮箱: ybli@bao.ac.cn
地址: 北京市朝阳区大屯路甲20号
1. Yinbi Li, Ali Luo, Youjun Lu, et al., 591 High-velocity Stars in the Galactic Halo Selected from LAMOST DR7 and Gaia DR2, ApJS, 2021, 252,3
2. Yinbi Li, Ali Luo,Gang Zhao, et al.,A New Hyper-runaway Star Discovered from LAMOST and Gaia: Ejected Almost in the Galactic Rotation Direction, AJ, 2018, 156,87
3. Yinbi Li, Ali Luo, Changde Du, et al., Carbon Stars Identified from LAMOST DR4 Using Machine Learning, ApJS, 2018, 234,31
4. Yinbi Li, Ali Luo, Gang Zhao, et al. 19 low mass hypervelocity star candidates from the first data release of the LAMOST survey, RAA, 2015, 15, 8, 1364-1377
5. Yinbi Li, Ali Luo, Gang Zhao, et al. Metal-poor hyervelocity star candidates from the SLOAN DIGITAL SKY SURVEY, ApJL, 2012, 744, l24
6. Jing Chen, Ali Luo, Yinbi Li*, et al., S-type Stars Discovered in Medium-resolution Spectra of LAMOST DR9, AJ, 2022, 931, 133
7. Wenjing Ma, Jianjun Chen, Yinbi Li*, et al.,Distribution of the diffuse interstellar band λ6614 in the NGC 2264, Rosette Nebula, and S147 regions, 2022, MNRAS, 511, 3, 3708-3721 
8. Jianmin Si, Yinbi Li*, Ali Luo, et al. Identifying Carbon stars from the LAMOST pilot survey with
the efficient manifold ranking algorithm, RAA, 2015, 15, 10, 1671-1694 
9.Wen Hou, Ali Luo, Yinbi Li, and Li Qin, Spectroscopically Identified Cataclysmic Variables from the LAMOST Survey. I. The Sample, AJ, 2020, 159, 43
10. Peng Wei, Ali Luo, Yinbi Li, et al. Mining unusual and rare stellar spectra from large spectroscopic survey data sets using the outlier-detection method, MNRAS, 2013, 431, 2, 1800-1811