洪涛 副研究员


学历: 博士研究生
邮编: 100101
地址: 北京市朝阳区大屯路甲20号



1. Tao Hong; JinLin Han; LiGang Hou; XuYang Gao; Chen Wang; Tao Wang ; Peering into the Milky Way by FAST: I. Exquisite HI structures in the inner Galactic disk from the piggyback line observations of the FAST GPPS survey,SCIENCECHINA, Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2022, 65(12): 129702

2. Hong, Tao; Staveley Smith, Lister; Masters, Karen L; Springob, Christopher M; Macri, Lucas M; Koribalski, Barbel S; Jones, D Heath; Jarrett, Tom H; Crook, Aidan C; Howlett, Cullan;

Qin, Fei ; 2MTF-VII. 2MASS Tully-Fisher survey final data release: distances for 2062 nearby spiral galaxies, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019, 487(2): 2061-2069

3. Hong, Tao; Han, J. L.; Wen, Z. L. ; A detection of baryon acoustic oscillations from the distribution of galaxy clusters, Astrophysical Journal, 2016, 826(2), 154

4. Hong, Tao; Springob, Christopher M.; Staveley-Smith, Lister; Scrimgeour, Morag I.; Masters, Karen L.; Macri, Lucas M.; Koribalski, Baerbel S.; Jones, D. Heath; Jarrett, Tom H.; 2MTF-IV. A bulk flow measurement of the local Universe, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014, 445(1): 402-413

5. Hong, Tao; Staveley-Smith, Lister; Masters, Karen L.; Springob, Christopher M.; Macri, Lucas M.; Koribalski, Baerbel S.; Jones, D. Heath; Jarrett, Tom H.; Crook, Aidan C. ; 2MTF-II. New Parkes 21-cm observations of 303 southern galaxies, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2013, 432(2): 1178-1188 

6. Hong, T. ; Han, J. L.; Wen, Z. L. ; Sun, L. ; Zhan, H. : The Correlation Function of Galaxy Clusters and Detection of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations, Astrophysical Journal, 2012, 749(2), 81
