2025年1月6日 星期一
李金增 研究员


学历: 博士研究生
邮编: 100101
邮箱: ljz@nao.cas.cn
地址: 北京市朝阳区大屯路甲20号


主要从事恒星与星团形成及早期演化、天文应用等方面的研究。研究成果发表于国际知名期刊,包括ApJ Letters等,总计47篇。培养研究生16名(含ANSO国际博士生一名、联合培养研究生4名),培养博士后2名。所指导博士生连续三年获国家奖学金,获AMD、BHPB、院长奖学金等奖项。


1. Zhou Jian-Wen, Liu Tie*, Li Jin-Zeng*, Liu Hong-Li, et al., “ATOMS:ALMA Three-millimeter Observations of Massive Star-forming regions – V. On the formation of the ‘L’ type filaments in G286.21+0.17”, 2021, MNRAS, 508,4639.(*通讯作者)

2. Yuan Jinghua, Li Jin-Zeng & Wu Yue-Fang et al., High-mass Star Formation through Filamentary Collapse and Clump-fed Accretion in G22, 2018, ApJ 852, 12

3. Li, Jin-Zeng, Yuan, Jing-Hua & Liu, Hong-Li et al., Drama of HII regions: Clustered and Triggered Star Formation, 2017, IAUS 316, 129

4. Zhang, Si-Ju, Wu, Yuefang, Li, Jin Zeng. Yuan, Jing-Hua, Liu, Hong-Li, Dong, Xiaoyi, Huang, Ya-Fang, Feedback of the HBe star IL Cep on nearby molecular cloud and star formation, 2016, MNRAS, 458, 422

5. Liu, Hong-Li, Li, Jin-Zeng, Wu, Yuefang, Yuan, Jing-Hua, Liu, Tie, Dubner, G., Paron, S., Ortega, M. E., Molinari, Sergio, Huang, Maohai, Zavagno, Annie, Samal, Manash R., Huang, Ya-Fang, Zhang, Si-Ju, Interactions of the Infrared bubble N4 with the surroundings, 2016, ApJ, 818,95

6. Liu, Hong-Li, Wu, Yuefang, Li, JinZeng, Yuan, Jing-Hua, Liu Tie, et al., A Feedback-driven Bubble G24.136+00.436: A Possible Site of Triggered Star Formation, 2015, ApJ, 798, 30L

7. Li, Jin-Zeng, Mallamaci, Claudio Carlos, César Podestà, Ricardo, Actis Vicente, Eloy, Huang, Ya-Fang, Pacheco, Ana Maria, “Do protostellar fountains shape the regional core mass function?”, 2013, RAA, 13, 719

8. Huang, Ya Fang, Li, Jin Zeng*, Rector, Travis A., Mallamaci, Carlos C., “Efficient Selection and Classification of Infrared Excess Emission Stars Based on AKARI and 2MASS Data”, 2013, AJ, 145, 126 (*通讯作者)

9. Yuan J. H., Li J. Z., Huang Y. F., “The discovery based onGLIMPSEdata of a protostar driving a bipolar outflow”, 2012, A&A, 540, 95

10. Bally, J., Anderson, L. D., Battersby, C., Calzoletti, L., Digiorgio, A. M., Faustini, F., Ginsburg, A., Li J. Z. et al., “Herschel observations of the W43 ``mini-starburst''”, 2010, A&A 518, 90

11. Li J. Z., Smith M. D., Gredel R., Chris C. J. & Rector T. A., “The Rosette Eye: the key transition phase in the birth of a massive star”, 2008, ApJ Letters 679, 101-104

12. Li J. Z., Chu Y. -H., Gruendl R., "Resolving the nature of the Rosette HH1 jet facing strong UV dissipation", 2007, ApJ 659, 1373-1381 (SCI citation: 2+1书)

13. Li J. Z. , "Is the emerging massive cluster NGC 2244 a twin cluster?", 2005, ApJ 625, 242-248

14. Li J. Z. & Smith M. D., “Discovery of multi-seeded multi-mode formation of embedded clusters in the Rosette Molecular Complex”, 2005, ApJ 620, 816-822

15. Li J. Z., Rector T. A., “The discovery of a disk-jet system directly exposed to strong ultraviolet fields in the Rosette Nebula”, 2004, ApJ Letters 600, 67

16. Li J. Z., Ip W. H., Chen W. P., et al., "An Extraordinary Accretion Event detected on DF Tau", 2001, ApJ Letters 549, 89-92

17. Li J. Z., Hu J. Y., "Newly discovered weak-line T Tauri stars in the surrounding area of the Taurus-Auriga region", 1998, A&A Suppl. 132, 173
