国台学术报告2023年 第30次
NAOC Colloquium No.30 2023
报告题目/Title: | Impact of Low Boundary Conditions on the Predictions of Some Space Weather Parameters / 太阳内边界条件对日地空间天气参数预报的影响 |
报告人/Speaker: | Prof. Mikhail DEMIDOV (Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics) |
报告时间/Time: | Wednesday, 2:30 PM, Dec.13, 2023 |
报告地点/Location: | A601 NAOC & Live Streaming |
主持人/Host: | Prof. Xiaofan Wang / 王晓帆 (NAOC) |
报告语言/Language: | English/英文 |
报告海报/Poster: | |
演示幻灯片/Slides: | Click to view the details (later) |
报告视频/Video: | Click to watch the video (later) |
直播链接/Live Webcast: | 国台微信公众号视频号 (微信扫描如下二维码) |
报告摘要/Abstract: | |
Forecasting the conditions at the near-Earth space environment (space weather) is the actual scientific and practical task and needs the reliable sources of initial data -- the synoptic maps of solar magnetic fields. To obtain such maps is one of the main purposes of the FMG instrument at ASOS space mission. In the talk it will be demonstrated that using synoptic maps from different observatories (GONG, Mitaka (NAOJ), WSO, SSO) gives significantly different results for the ambient solar wind speed near the Earth’s orbit. A comparison of the predicted (in the frames of the WSA model) and observed (on board ACE satellite) bulk speeds shows as a rule rather low correspondence. A new approach, which takes into account the magnetic field strength inside of coronal holes, allowing to achieve a better coincidence between calculated and empirical results, is suggested. | |
报告人介绍/Bio: | |
Prof.Mikhail DEMIDOV is the Deputy Director for Science of the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia, and leads the Solar Physics department, which includes two optical observatories: Sayan Solar Observatory (SSO) and Baikal Astrophysical Observatory. Graduated from Astronomy Department Kazan State University. He is a Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sciences after defending of the Doctor thesis with the title “High-Precision Polarimetry and Diagnostics of the Large-Scale Magnetic Fields of the Sun”. He was PI or the head of team of some international scientific projects (ISF, INTASS, PIFI), connected with study of solar magnetic fields in cooperation with scientists from Germany, Switzerland, Japan, and China. His researches are focused on Solar Physics, Solar Instrumentation, and Space Weather. | |
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