
[Colloquium]Ue-Li Pen: FRBs: speculations for the future

国台学术报告2023第08次/NAOC Colloquium No.08 2023
报告题目/Title FRBs: speculations for the future
报告人/Speaker Prof. Ue-Li Pen (ASIAA)/彭威礼 教授
报告时间/Time Thursday 2:30 PM, April 20, 2023
报告地点/Location NAOC A601 & Live Streaming on NAOC WeChat Channel
主持人/Host Prof. Xuelei Chen(NAOC)
报告语言/Language: English/英文
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I will present a brief history of FRBs and personal speculation on their nature and emission mechanisms. This will be followed by an outline of BURSTT, an all-sky FRB survey currently under deployment.
Prof. Ue-Li Pen completed his PhD in Princeton University. He is the Director of the Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA), and he is jointly appointed with the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics at the University of Toronto, where he has been a professor since 1998. Prof. Pen is a theoretical astrophysicist who studies systems where basic physical effects can be isolated from astronomical complexities. His research projects include Fast Radio Burst (FRB) and pulsar lensing, non-linear dynamics of the cosmic neutrino background, 21cm intensity mapping, leading to the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME). Pen is known for developing innovative tools to create new fields of research. His pioneering work on 21 cm intensity mapping opens a new window for the precision study of dark energy and neutrinos. His use of natural plasma in our galaxy as a giant telescope spawned the field of scintillometry, enabling new glimpses into enigmatic pulsars and the unsolved fast radio bursts.
