罗阿理,男,1969年出生,安徽歙县人,生于呼和浩特,中国科学院国家天文台研究员,LAMOST望远镜运行和发展中心数据处理部主任。2002年获得中国科学院国家天文台博士学位。 主要从事天文数据处理、海量光谱分析和数据挖掘等工作。研究成果发表于国际知名期刊,包括ApJ,ApJS, MNRAS, AJ,A&A, PASP, RAA等,总计80余篇。培养毕业研究生30余名。
1. Wang Rui, Luo A-Li, and 7 coauthors,SPCANet:Stellar Parameters and Chemical Abundances Network for LAMOST-II Medium Resolution Survey,ApJ,2020, 891,23
2. Guo Y.-X., Luo A.-L., and 7 coauthors, Recognition of M-type stars in the unclassified spectra of LAMOST DR5 using a hash-learning method, MNRAS, 2019, 485,2167
3. Du Bing, Luo A-Li, and 16 coauthors, An Empirical Template Library for FGK and Late-type A Stars Using LAMOST Observed Spectra, ApJS, 2019, 240,10
4. Kong Xiao, Luo A.-Li, and 4 coauthors, Spectral Feature Extraction for DB White Dwarfs Through Machine Learning Applied to New Discoveries in the Sdss DR12 and DR14, PASP, 2018, 130,4203 5. Li Yin-Bi, Luo A-Li, and 28 coauthors, Carbon stars identified from LAMOST DR4 using Machine Learning, ApJS, 2018, 234,31
6. Chen Rui, Luo Ali, Liu Jiaming, Jiang, Biwei, A Systematic Search for the Spectra with Features of Crystalline Silicates in the Spitzer IRS Enhanced Products,AJ, 2016, 151,146
7. Luo A-Li, Zhao Yong-Heng, Zhao Gang and 142 coauthors, The first data release (DR1) of the LAMOST regular survey, RAA, 2015, 15,1095
8.Yang Haifeng, Luo Ali,and 8 coauthors, A search for spectral galaxy pairs of overlapping galaxies based on fuzzy recognition, MNRAS, 2014, 444,2456
9.Si JianMin, Luo ALi, and 6 coauthors"Search for carbon stars and DZ white dwarfs in SDSS spectra survey through machine learning”, 中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学(SCPMA), 2014, 57, 1176
10. Wei Peng, Luo Ali, and 10 coauthors, Mining unusual and rare stellar spectra from large spectroscopic survey data sets using the outlier-detection method,MNRAS,2013, 431,1800