



  The LIA “Origins” 2014 Calls for Proposals for Exchange Programs, Postdoc Positions, and Visiting Programs   

  1. Call for Proposals for Short Exchange Visits        

  The LIA provides supports for short visits for French and Chinese researchers to visit their collaborators in the other country. For Chinese researchers visiting France, LIA-France will provide the local support in France, and vice versa. Applications should be submitted to LIA-France and LIA-China respectively, for evaluation by the Scientific Committee.        

  The goal of the LIA is to support Sino-French collaborative efforts, especially in cosmology, extragalactic and extra-solar planets. Proposals should include: name, e-mail address, collaborator(s) in the other country, the nature of the proposal (visit, instrumental collaboration etc…) and its scientific justification as well as a description and justification of the financial support that is requested.       

  The deadline of application is March 15, 2014. Proposals should be sent (preferentially in English) to Yanchun Liang ycliang@bao.ac.cn (LIA-China) for the Chinese applicants and to Patricia Maillot Patricia.Maillot@obspm.fr (LIA-France) for the French applicants. The form at the end of this document should be used for writing the proposal.       

  2. Call for Proposals for One Month Visits in France       

  The LIA can provide support for up to 4 visits of one month. Conditions for applications are similar as those for the first Call. The financial support depends on the level (professorship or not) but should not be less than a normal salary in France. Proposals asking for more than a single month visit will also be considered.       

  The deadline of application is March 15, 2014. Proposals should be sent (preferentially in English) to Yanchun Liang ycliang@bao.ac.cn (LIA-China) for the Chinese applicants and to Patricia Maillot Patricia.Maillot@obspm.fr (LIA-France) for the French hosts. The form at the end of this document should be used for writing the proposal.           

  3. Call for French Researchers to Work in China   

  (in line with the CAS’ Overseas Researchers Program)       

  The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has recently launched a new program for overseas researchers to work in a CAS institute. The French applicants should contact their Chinese hosts who are responsible for completing the paperwork and submitting the proposals.        

  (1) CAS Young Research Fellowships:       

  The candidates should hold a PhD degree. The award is 12 months, extendable to another 12 months.

  Type A: For candidates younger than 40, and have more than 5 years of research experience, the award is about 250k RMB (1 euro~8 RMB). 

  Type B: For candidates younger than 35, the award is about 150k RMB.   

  A roundtrip air-ticket will also be provided. The applications will be processed once a year. The deadlines is September 15. Candidates should be recommended by a CAS institute.    

  For more details, please visit the CAS website (instructions in Chinese and English versions): 


  (2) CAS Overseas Professorships   

  For international senior researchers (of non-Chinese origin), the CAS award will offer 2 to 12 months visiting professorships. The award can reach 400k-500k RMB per annual for a 12-month stay which will cover the recipient’s living costs and international roundtrip air-ticket. Applications should be submitted by the Chinese host from a CAS institute. The deadline is September 15 of each year.    

  For more details, please visit the CAS website (instructions in Chinese and English versions) 


  4. Other Calls (for information)   

  Calls for Chinese students who would like to do PhD in France:   

  For Chinese students who are interested in spending their PhD (or part of their PhD) in France, here are two calls 

  The Eiffel Doctorat grants from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (more for engineers) 

  The grants from the China Scholarship Council (Applications open from 20 March to 5 April):     

  http://www.csc.edu.cn/Chuguo/82bb1373d23145eb91a2a19190b809c6.shtml  (link in Chinese)       

  5. There are also some possibilities in universities and research institutes, to be discussed case by case.       

  Contact Persons: Yanchun Liang ycliang@bao.ac.cn (LIA-China)   

                   Patricia Maillot Patricia.Maillot@obspm.fr (LIA-France)   

  LIA Directors:  Xiang-Ping Wu wxp@bao.ac.cn (China)   

                  Francois Hammer francois.hammer@obspm.fr (France)       

   附件:1. 通知 

      2. 申请表 
