GTC China proposal



  A. General Data    A.1. Principal Investigator 


  Full Name, email, institution

      A.2. Institution Contact person 

  Full Name, email, telephone number

      A.3. Co-Investigator    List all Co-Is



  B. Abstract 



  C. Description of Requested Time 

  C.1. Is it collaboration with GTC time? 

   Yes    No

      C.2. Field of research    e.g. Stellar physics


      C.3. Is it for a PhD thesis? 

   Yes    No

      C.4. Is it a continuation of a programme that has previously been granted time? 

   Yes    No

      C.5. Will more time be needed in future semesters? 

   Yes     No

      C.6. Number of semesters it spans 

  Choose one


  O. Observation 

  O.1. Telescope 

  Gran Telescopio Canarias

      O.2. Instrument

      O.4. Hours

      O.6. Type of night 

  Choose one


  P. Optimum dates 

     Individual date

  e.g. 2021/09/01


     Date range

  e.g. 2021/09/01 – 2021/09/30


  Q. Impossible dates      Individual date


  e.g. 2021/09/01


    Date range

  e.g. 2021/09/01 – 2021/09/30


  S. Scientific Justification  

  S.1. Scientific Rationale and Immediate Objectives [Max. 1 page]

      It should contain a brief introduction, motivation, interest and relevance of the observations and inmediate objectives of the proposal. 

  For standard proposals, this subsection is limited to a maximum of 1 page.

  For large programs, this subsection is limited to a maximum of 2 pages.



  Authors,  …. , year(yyyy), Journal , Vol., page

  Authors,  …. , year(yyyy), Journal , Vol., page


  References above and graphics should be contained within 1 page for standard proposals, and a maximum of 2 pages for large programs.


  R. Provide up to 6 references from the research team related to this proposal.

  TITLE, Authors,  …. , year(yyyy), Journal , Vol., page

  TITLE, Authors,  …. , year(yyyy), Journal , Vol., page


  T. Description of the observing plan, data reduction and analysis. Backup program.

  T.1. Jusfitify the amount of requested time (number of targets to be observed and exposure time per target), and provide the information requested in the Table below (targets’ coordinates and brightness in the observing wavelength/band, requested exposure time per target, and instrumental configuration with a clear indication of the wavelength range if it is not fixed by the selected instrument). If necessary, also provide a prioritized target list and other properties defining the observing program in the text of this section. In the case of use of own equipments, please follow the instructions of the Observatory and provide additional detail in attached sheets if necessary.


 Target   RA (h m s)  DEC (o ′ ′′)   Mag  Texp  Instrumental Configuration
 Name   hh mm ss  +dd mm ss   K=XX.X  XX h  EMIR YJ long-slit spec
 Name   hh mm ss  -dd mm ss  K=XX.X  XX h  ALFOSC specpol 365-711 nm



  T.2. Has the group previous observational experience with similar instrumentation? 


  T.3. Is extra time needed once the program has been started?  


  If yes, justify why.

  T.4. Backup program: Title and brief description.  

  If the main program is very restricted regarding observing conditions, there must be a solid alternative program.  This is applicable for ALL visitor mode proposals. This field can be empty in case of queue observations.

  T.5. Other proposals in which simultaneous observations are requested. 

  Justify the complementarity of the requested simultaneous observations.

  T.6. Justification for the use of the selected telescope with respect to other available alternatives. 

      A. Are there other observations of the same target in the telescope archive?    Yes/No


   A.1 If positive, justify the need for new observations


      C. Critical questions related to this program.






  西班牙GTC(Gran Telescopio Canarias)是世界最大的单口径光学天文望远镜,位于世界三大优良台址之一的西属La Palma岛上,观测条件优越。近年来国家天文台牵头推进中国与西班牙全方位的天文合作,双方同意中方为GTC研制一台高分辨率超稳定光谱仪,以实物贡献方式加入GTC,并可以优惠价格获取GTC的保障性观测时间,缓解我国缺乏大口径望远镜观测资源的困境。保障性观测时间意味着即使由于天气等原因在所提交的时间无法观测,也将在后续时间保障观测所购时长(与之相较,购买Keck望远镜时间的可观测率只有约2/3)。

